So you found a blue cube and took it home. What to do with it now? Well, you could leave it on a shelf in your bedroom or on your car dashboard, but better yet, how about releasing it back out into the city for others to encounter? Find a good new spot for it, write down the tag number and location (address or intersection and city) and take a picture of it. When you get home, send the pic, tag number, and location to: Your picture will be posted as both a blog entry, and under each cube's tag number so that everybody can trace the visual lineage of each cube's wanderings.
Feel free to include a caption or story describing the location and/or your experience with a blue cube.
Watch out for places with overzealous street sweepers and janitors, like fancy downtown districts and universities. Leaving them on the ground in these areas will most likely get them swept up. Higher up (yet still visible) spots work really well. But really, leave it anywhere you damn well please.
Make your own blue cube!
It's real simple, just find or make a cube, paint it blue, put a set of eyes on it, write the blog address underneath it, assign an unused tag number on the back (check for unused tag numbers here), and set it out in the world. Send in the pic, location, and tag number, and caption to: